Bright Horizons Back-Up Care Policy for COVID-19 Exposure

Editor's note:

Updated 3/23/20.

March 04, 2020

Bright Horizons has provided the following guidance to Back-Up Care users in regards to the coronavirus. 

As per Bright Horizons' policy, Back-Up Care users are required to NOT USE BRIGHT HORIZONS BACK-UP CARE FOR 14 DAYS following the last potential exposure if any member of your household has (or has been in close contact with anyone else who has):

  • A suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, or
  • Recently returned from a Level 3 area, as designated by the Center for Disease Control

If, at the end of this 14-day period, no household member has experienced any symptoms, use of back-up care is allowed. If any household member does experience symptoms during that 14-day period, you will need to confirm that there is no continuing risk of exposure before returning to care.  Please note, depending on the circumstances we may require you to obtain medical clearance before return to the center will be allowed.

Bright Horizons activated Crisis Care in order to ensure you get the care you need due to COVID-19. Please note you must be registered with Bright Horizons to take advantage of this benefit and specifically follow the link on the attached flyer to request Crisis Care in order to be eligible. For Crisis Care information, please click here.

For more information, please see Bright Horizons online resource for current guidance.