SIPA webinar: Paid Leave in the United States-Thursday, July 25

July 16, 2024

Discussion with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), co-chairs of the Senate Bipartisan Paid Family Leave Working Group, and professors Jane Waldfogel and Sandra Black, on the history of this issue, recent bicameral and bipartisan progress on national paid leave policies, and the work remaining for the 118th Congress and beyond. 

Thursday, July 25 | 10:15–11:15 a.m. ET
Register HERE

Opening remarks by Keren Yarhi-Milo, Dean and Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Affairs, Columbia SIPA, and Térèse Coudreaut Curiel, VP/Administration and Secretary to the Board of Trustees, Knight Foundation.

• Kirsten Gillibrand, US Senator, D-New York, 2009–present
• Bill Cassidy, US Senator, R-Louisiana, 2015–present
• Jane Waldfogel, Compton Foundation Centennial Professor for the Prevention of Children's and Youth Problems, Columbia School of Social Work
• Sandra Black, Professor of Economics and of International and Public Affairs, Columbia SIPA; IGP Faculty Advisory Board Member

This event is hosted by the Institute of Global Politics (IGP) Women’s Initiative at Columbia SIPA. The Across the Aisle series is made possible due to generous support from the Knight Foundation.