This academic year presents unique challenges to parents and caregivers. With many children learning from home at least several days per week, parents must provide academic support, troubleshoot technological challenges, and tend to their children’s needs. Furthermore, children learning virtually typically have more free time and parents often need to structure this time. These tasks are made all the more stressful for working parents who are juggling work and home responsibilities.
This webinar will provide stress reduction strategies for parents who are overseeing their children’s remote learning. We will focus on (a) setting and maintaining realistic expectations for you and your child, (b) strategies for preserving a warm relationship with your child and minimizing conflict during this time, and (c) ensuring that your child is receiving optimal support from her school setting. There will be time preserved for Q&A with webinar participants.
Presenter from the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety & Related Disorders (CUCARD).